Lunar New Year street festival

July 27, 2009



(This post was originally posted during Lunar New Year in February.)

Well, this is the first time I’m writing about myself here but just wanted to share some of my experiences in Los Angeles with you.  For these, I’m going to stick with writing in English as it is a good way to practice reading English!  I’ll try to provide the Chinese to more difficult words. 

Last weekend I had a chance to visit the Lunar New Year street festival held in Monterey Park.  Even though I go every year, I’m always amazed at how they are able to block off several blocks on a rather busy Garvey Avenue for several days!  Walking on the street definitely gives an entirely different perspective than when one is driving on it.  The street seems so much wider.

Compared to those in Asian countries, I’m sure this street festival was not as grand.  However, I do appreciate the City’s effort to bring a little joy to those who do celebrate the lunar New Year.  I’m sure not all American cities have something similar- maybe just the ones with a significant Asian population (i.e. San Francisco, New York)?  They also plan it months in advance.  While in high school, I had the opportunity to work with the City to book some game booths to fundraise for our school club.  At the time, I was afraid when the time came around as manning the booths were physically demanding and exhausting!  However, when I was walking around last weekend, I was on the lookout for any signs of my alma mater but unfortunately did not see any.  Something just wasn’t the same. 

Here in Los Angeles, there are at least three other local cities which put up something similar- Alhambra, Rowland Heights, and Chinatown.  Usually, local vendors, government departments, local colleges, tourism bureaus, and overseas vendors set up booths to promote their products.  I remember getting many freebies when I was younger but nowadays, the quantities have been reduced and more products are for purchase only.  I’m sure the economic tsunami also has an adverse effect on this.  Nonetheless, I’m happy with my loot! 


Seaweed Sesame Eggroll from a bakery in Hong Kong!  I like the seaweed taste to them as they remind me of Japanese hand rolls.


A free magnet from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau which says, “Taiwan- Touch Your Heart”.  I have more to say about this, later in another post, as Taiwan lived up to this and touched my heart when I visited.